tonsz' blog

js + thoughts on programming

Happy Wednesday!

Work was heavier today but still managed with the Javascript section. The tutorials are a review for me but the exercises still let me flex my logic muscles. The course links a bunch of cool stuff - credit to the instructor - and I take my time going through them, even if it were youtube videos about leap years and pseudorandom numbers that were posted at least a decade ago. This is also something I grew to like about the course.

I finished with the while loop video today. A lot of programming languages are copycats of each other, is it not? Variables, data types, conditions, arrays, loops - this is the typical order of topics when it comes to learning programming, regardless of the language. Though there is absolutely more to it than correct grammar.

I think this is where it will all get fuzzy because every dev has their own style, just like any writer would. Stories are also built just like websites are, in a way because good grammar is just not enough for writers either. There has to be comprehensiveness, from an idea to a vision and then finally an orchestration of a lot of moving parts.

Programmers, naturally, then become masters of empathy and consideration. I honestly believe it will be quite a feat to hone the craft if one could not be bothered to care about the sentiments of others. It is just impossible! You'll have to think of at least one person when building software. Every piece of tech started with a pain point, after all.

This is just something I've always thought about and must probably be the reason why, unlike my other hobbies, my interest in tech has not dwindled down since I stumbled upon it several years ago. Not only that I've found a high whenever a bug is solved and I've been chasing that feeling since, but the fact that no matter how technical it can get, it is still all about the human experience.

I did say in my previous note that I'm doing this because I want to do cool things and be paid for it. Don't be fooled! I'm taking the course because I want to expand my skillset and be compensated better. This is just an explanation why I got into tech in the first place and why I think it is very cool.

Will learn about the DOM next. Thanks for stopping by and reading why I'm so extra about this!