tonsz' blog

first day of bootcamp

Happy Tuesday.

I just want to say to the void that I started a complete web dev course because it is now required. For the past months, I am trying to find a reason to upskill and now the universe has granted me a way so that I can no longer hide behind any excuses. I am lucky. So lucky, that this has literally prohibited me from putting off learning to be a dev in what would be a more serious way.

So, web dev! I have built simple websites for school projects, so I am not a beginner. I am going through the course as if I am one, though. That is because at this point in time I do not consider myself a builder. I do not have that mindset yet. If anything, what excites me most at being a dev is solving bugs. I dislike having to build something from scratch because I struggle, so excruciatingly, with the act of getting started. God.

Anyway, today I started this course. I know the introductory lessons so I just went ahead and did the projects with the resources included in the course. I like the instructor's style and flow. The last lesson for today is Intermediate HTML. It is still very comfortable and the course is well-paced.


Things to look forward to:

Let us see where this takes me. Thanks and bye.
