tonsz' blog


Hi, I'm still here!

I skipped writing a note on Friday because of an important work thing. I didn't cover a lot on that day but I made up for it yesterday, since I also rested on the weekend.

The next lessons focused on CSS layouts, flex and grid. I've always thought flexbox is beautiful and intuitive. It is through this course I first came across flex-basis and then better understood the usage of flex-shrink and flex-grow, and how it can be written with the shorthand flex.

These never occured to me before, so it was great to know they exist. I am still curious what is the default of other devs when it comes to layouts. Do you use flex-basis? Set widths to 100% and then use max-width for limits? I will probably do a lot of trial and error before finding something I can be used to.

I made a Mondrian with grid! I really liked this challenge. I've never used grid before in my life and tended to avoid it.

Why? Flexbox already works. something I'd say even now. I saw this as a test of my attention span and grasp, if my pink brain can still gather these new ideas and way of thinking and create something out of it. I have to say this course is good at making its student feel proud of their work.

I don't want to say I do the exercises just because I'm bored... I think what I want is evidence. Proof that I understood it, something to look back to when the impostor syndrome hits.

Other than that, I was genuinely having fun. Until the course reached the Bootstrap section and then I wasn't! I still did the section project but I did not like it at all and I don't want to elaborate why. I've encountered Bootstrap before this and I thought something would chance but nope, so. Moving on!

I also already started the Javascript section of the course. I'm not yet that confident with my js kills but I did start programming with C then PHP, so there may be moments it will feel like a review or I will rack my brain until it feels all soupy.


Things to look forward to:

See you in the next one :)
