tonsz' blog

why am i here?

The weekend is almost upon us :D

I completed day 1 homework today. The e-book is highly recommended. It's a light, relatable read on what it's like to be a programmer and it has some funny points. It is a nice read but not really a must-read because most of the anecdotes and advice, its good natured effects - would blossom on its own if one would continue on in taking programming seriously.

On the why I am doing this part of the homework, I'd like to clarify first that I have to do it now. I do not have to do these posts, though. In a sense, I articulated my reasons why I am taking this seriously and I'm going beyond. I also want to take the chance now to officially declare my blog as my own accountability buddy.

You, who is reading this, are my accountability buddy.

I really want to make this happen! I don't mean I want to get the certificate. I want to be a realized programmer. I want to do projects, participate in events, and meet new people because I think the community and the future of tech is so cool. In a nutshell:

Why am I doing this?

I want to be able to do cool things and be paid for it.

Now, about today's session: I built a flag! With CSS. I also did a small page but I'm not sure if I followed the instruction right because I used flex a lot (prematurely). I was really proud of the flag though because I refused to understand CSS positioning rules before and it was evidence that now, I finally did.

The last lesson was about responsiveness. I handled more than a few tickets that are responsiveness-related on my internship, so I was still okay with the course at this point. I find that I got a good block of time to work on the course and was free to get in a zone just before I go home.

Things to look forward to:

We're starting off on a good note. Thanks and bye!
